This project is intended to extend OPGW to all generating stations and Substations of 220kV and above in first phase(1364kM) and balance 132kV Grid substations in second phase (2071kM). Ultimately the existing data interfacing points for SCADA integration shall be enhanced from existing 12 numbers to 34. This project is aimed to provide broad band connectivity for acquisition of data from new substations of OPTCL as well as upcoming IPP/CGP/CGS .It is estimated for stringing of 3545 kM of OPGW , covering the entire state, which will enable OPTCL to enter into telecom business in future .
Permissive Access Control System in OPTCL Tower
The Project is aimed at installation & commissioning of Permissive Access Control System in OPTCL Tower in all floors to restrict the access of unauthorised persons to the building.
SCADA integration of all Grid Substations
The project is aimed to install RTU in the remaining sub stations which are excluded in the scope of ULDC project. It will cover 30 existing substations as well as 6 Nos of substations presently under construction through PGCIL . The new RTUs shall be integrated to the existing ULDC SCADA database. Besides this, integration for future 18 substations shall also be taken up successively.
Reframing of Microwave Radio links
As per the decision taken up by WPC, the allocation of spectrum operating in the frequency band from 2.3 to 2.4 GHz for microwave radio links in ULDC network, shall be withdrawn. This project is planned for reframing the existing radio links by OPGW at the shortest transition time which is presently under progress
PLCC aided line Protection Scheme
This protection scheme uses an interfacing equipment (coupler) between Protection relay and communication link. The tripping command originating from protection relay at one end gets transferred over PLCC and actuates protection relay at the opposite end of the line section at the shortest time, so that simultaneous tripping of circuit breakers at both ends is possible. So far, 14 Nos of line sections have been provided with protection couplers and presently in operation. Further,action has been initiated for deployment of protection couplers in the balance 220kV line sections.