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• Generation & Transmission System – An overview.
• Distribution System in Orissa, An Overview
• Officers Commercial Activities in DISCOS
• Role of OERC
• Energy Audit Scheme
• Indian Electricity Act-2003
• Supply Regulation & Consumer Services

2. I.E. Rules

(Clearance and compliance of I.E. Rules, 1956)
• Minimum clearance for different voltage between phases and phase to ground.
• Indian Electricity Rules pertaining to Sub-Stations & Lines

3. Safety
• Safety Philosophy.
• Safety Procedures.
• GRIDCO Safety Norms.
• Procedures for issuing L.C.P. and cancellation.
• Maintenance of Safety records.

4. Earthing

(i) Equipment earthing and system earthing, the method of earthing e.g. solid earthing, resistance earthing, peterson coil earthing, earthing of Surge Arrestor, importance and advantage of each type.
(ii) Different types of earth electrodes, earthing mats-
• Design consideration in Sub-Station and EHV Line Earthing.
• Earthing arrangements for protective and Functional purpose.
• Calculation of Earth Fault Current.
• Measurement Procedure of Earth Resistivity & Electrode Resistance.
• Measurement of Earth Loop Impedance.

5. Relays, Meters & Protection System :
• CT & PTs :
• Types of CT & PTs’ – their working principles, ratings and
• accuracy.
• Functions of CT & PTs’
• Failures of CT & PTs – their causes.
• Metering Schemes.
• Protection of Transformer with Schemes.
• Local & Back-up Protection.
• New Generation Relays.
• CB Control Circuit description and fault finding procedures.

6. Transformer Oil.

• Specifications & Characteristics.
• Significance & importance of tests.
• Sources, manufacturing and Handling.
• Methods of Sampling and testing.
• Maintenance of Transformer Oil.
• Filter Machine O&M
• DGA.

7. First Aid
• Places of Potential Hazards.
• Electric Shock Treatment.
• Artificial Respiration.
• Handling Emergency Conditions.
• Treatment of Wounds, Injuries & Burns.

8. Transformer :

• Basic principles of transformer, magnetisation and hysteresis, electromagnets.
• Flux density Ampere-turn Ratio – Equation for transformation
• Two/ three winding & Auto Transformer – Grounding transformers – silent features of core & shell type, transformer constructional details.
• Transformer fixtures – buchholz relay, breather, conservators, bushing of different types, thermometers, indicators, alarms.
• Cooling of Transformer, Importance of Oil Filtration & drying out of transformer.
• Working principles of OLTC & its’ O/M.
• Transformer Test - Failures and causes, maint. & repairs.
• Commissioning test
• Maint. of Transformer

9. Breakers

• Function of breakers.
• Different types of indoor and outdoor breakers e.g. Bulk oil, MOCB, Air blast, SF6 and Vacuum Breaker - principle and their application.
• Operating mechanism – springs, hydraulic, pneumatic
• Current ratings, rupturing capacity, clearance time
• Commissioning procedures.
• Breaker Maintenance, failures and their causes.

10. HT & LT Stringing :
• Different Configurations
• Procedures
• Sag Chart Description
• Demo in HT & LT Stringing with Measurement of Sag

11. Line Planning :
• Survey
• Selection Criteria for Line Construction

* Last Modified on 11th April '07
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