In compliance with Section-3 of the Electricity Act-2003 the Central Government notifies the National Electricity Policy. The Section 3(1) of this Act-2003 requires the Central Govt. to formulate, inter alia, the National Electricity Policy in consultation with Central Electricity Authority (CEA) and State Govt. The plan prepared by CEA and approved by Central Govt. can be used by prospective generating companies, transmission utilities as reference document.
The Transmission System requires adequate and timely investments and also efficient and coordinated action to develop a robust and integrated power system for the country. Keeping in view the massive increase planned in generation and also for development of power market, there is need for adequately augmenting transmission capacity in order to avoid mismatch between generation capacity and transmission facilities. The Planning of the Network expansion and its implementation program is most essential for the organization for its future growth.
The Directorate of Corporate Planning was created in GRIDCO during the year 1995. The Corporate Planning was assigned with the following main activities.
Long Term financial projection and overall perspective planning.
Co-ordination of reform-restructuring process.
Co-ordination with project Management Unit.
Liaison with external agencies like Govt. of Orissa, CEA, World Bank etc on Corporate Policy and reform/restructuring.
Further, after 01.04.1997, the activities of the Corporate Planning were modified as under.
Monthly returns on various planning aspects to Govt. of Orissa and Govt. of India.
Returns on various planning aspects to Central Electricity Authority and Orissa Electricity Regulatory Commission.
Compliance to questionnaire of the State Legislative Assembly/Parliamentary affairs.
Any other works as and when required.
Plan and Operate the Transmission System so as to ensure that transmission system built, operated and maintained to provide efficient, economical and coordinated system of Transmission and meet the overall Performance Standard.
Development of a well coordinated transmission system in the back drop of formation of Strong National Power Grid as a flag ship, endeavor to steer the development of Power System on planned path leading to cost effective fulfillment of the objective of “Electricity to All” at affordable price.
Subsequently from 01.04.2005 Orissa Power Transmission Corporation Ltd (OPTCL) is engaged in the business of Transmission of electric energy in the state of Orissa and OPTCL has been notified as State Transmission Utility (STU).
The Long Term Planning Cell (LTPC) which was created in February-2000 under Corporate Planning branch of OPTCL deals with to carry out specific long Term Planning Activities (the period of 3 months to 10 years ahead). The LTPC plays an important role in supporting the corporate level planning process by supplying data, information support and conducting system studies.
Planning Process |
Preparation of data.
Detail load Forecasting . (The forecast of long term demand for electricity is a fundamental prerequisite for the development of a secure and economic power system. The said forecast is being revised in each year and submitted to OERC as per Grid Code taking due care of new policies of Govt. and changes in the socio-economic trends.)
Locating load centers
Identifying sub-station location and voltage class.
Staging study for base year, intermediate year and horizon year
The load flow study is prepared for different condition of generation schedule including Short Circuit study, transient stability analysis.
Development of upstream/Down stream network
Consideration of addition of system elements to avoid system constraints and to meet the planning criteria.
Overall the planning is based on the guidelines as prescribed by Central Electricity Authority and Regulatory Commission.
The activities to be carried out has been laid down in the standard planning procedures (SPPs) approved by GRIDCO in December’2000. Some of these are statutory in nature i.e. needs to be submitted to OERC within a prescribed time frame, The said SPP are being followed by OPTCL.
(1) System Study.
System studies for the first time for any existing/new users who are connected/proposed to be connected to the Orissa Grid net work, conducting load flow study, shut circuit study, Transient Study analysis in different conditions. As on to-day, this branch has conducted almost 150 nos system studies for some users on their request on prepaid basis.
(2) Long Term Demand Forecast.
Long Term Demand Forecast (LTDF) report for coming 10years is being processed in each year based on the data of coming 5 years received from the DISCOMs. The LTDF report for the period 2010-19 is submitted to Hon’ble OERC during May’10 for kind approval.
(3) Long Term Perspective Transmission Plan.
OPTCL ensures development of an effective and economical system of Intra-State and Inter-State transmission lines for smooth flow of electricity from generating station to Load center.
The infrastructure of OPTCL network is as follows.
- 95nos. of Grid Sub-Stations with transformation capacity of 8845MVA.
- 10902Ckt. KMs of transmission lines of 400KV,220KV and 132KV rating.
The present peak demand of the state is around 3000MW, which is handled by the existing network of equipment of the system. To improve the low voltage problem in some of the Grid Sub-Stations, action has already been initiated to install 275MVAR shunt capacitors.
According to the long term demand forecast, the peak demand of Orissa at the end of 11th and 12th plan period will be to the tune of 4459MW and 6363MW respectively. Besides the above projection , in the mean time a number of IPPs have signed MOUs with Govt. of Orissa to install power plants in Orissa. It is expected that at the end of 12th plan period the quantum of power generated by these IPPs will be of 20000MW and Orissa will avail the state share of 25% i.e. about 5000MW . Therefore Orissa Transmission System needs to be planned to handle the upcoming load which will cater to the load requirement of different up-coming industries and schemes like REC,RGGVY and BGJY.
Planning is required for a healthy transmission system to extend uninterrupted, quality and reliable power supply. Alternative source of supply is to be made available at all Grid Sub-Stations to avoid total power failure in the region due to fault in single source of supply. All the Grid Sub-Stations is to operate in a ring arrangement. In view of the above , OPTCL has prepared a comprehensive system planning of its network, by M/S PRDC Ltd., Bangalore. Planning is made to prevent overloading wherever possible by load diversion and taken up innovative measures for system loading of its existing network. Effective utilization of new lines and their impact on transmission loss is being taken care.
Long Term Transmission Plan for 11th Plan Period. |
Integrated Transmission Planning of OPTCL network for 11th plan period has been prepared taking the system peak demand of 4459MW (including 968MVA load of RGGVY &BGJY) and additional generation of 1264MW as state share from following 4nos. upcoming IPPs. |
Sl. No. |
Name of IPPs |
Location of Project |
Installed Capcity |
Orissa StateShare
(25%) |
1. |
Sterlite Energy (P) Ltd. |
Jharsuguda |
2400MW |
600MW |
2. |
GMR Energy (P) Ltd |
Dhenkanal |
1050MW |
263MW |
3. |
KVK Nilachal (P) Ltd |
Athagarh |
600MW |
150MW |
4. |
Monnet Ispat & Energy (P) Ltd. |
Angul |
1005MW |
251MW |
5055MW |
1264MW |
The proposed infrastructure additions to meet the peak demand of 4459MW are as follows.
(i) 400KV Grid S/S – 5nos. (Keonjhar,Lapanga,Duburi,Bolangir & Uttara)
(ii)220KVGridS/S–17nos. (Karadgadia,Paradeep,Puri,Cuttack,Bhadrak,Nuagaon,Dhenkanal(new),Kuanrmunda,Kesinga,Barbil,
Uttara,Bolangir(new),Keonjhar,Banai, Laxmipur, Dhamara and Hindol Road)
- !32KVGridS/S–32nos.
(Koraput,Nawrangpur,Baliguda,Nilagiri,Marsaghai,Sakhigopal,Tangi, Barpali,Karanjia,Udala,Basta,Phulnakhara,Badagada,
Kuchinda,Bhawanipatna,Boud,Banki,Kalunga,Barbil,Karadgadia,Uttara,Bolangir(new), Dhenkanal(new) Kuanrmunda,
Dhamara and OCL (switching station)
- Reactive power compensation by installing Shunt Capacitor of 760MVAR in different Grid S/S of OPTCL.
- Associated Transmission Lines
(a) 400kV Transmission Lines - 2nos - 135 Kms.
(b) 400kV LILO Lines - 6nos.
(c)220kV Transmission Lines - 14nos. -648.59Kms.
(d) 220kV LILO Lines - 10nos.
(e)132kV Transmission Lines - 29nos. 992.91Kms.
(f) 132kV LILO Lines - 21 nos.
Augmentation and Addition of Transformer Capacity with 3rd Bay of Existing Grid S/S
Besides the above, the proposal for capacity addition with augmentation and addition of transformer capacities with 3rd bay in 50 nos. existing Sub-Stations with transformation capacity by 2612.5MVA. Subsequently to meet the additional load of RGGVY and BGJY further 7nos. of transformers required to be commissioned at Jaynagar,Junagarh,Bhadrak,Karanjia,Kamakshyanagar,Rajgangpur and Budhipadar Grid Sub-Stations.
Long Term Transmission Plan for 12th Plan Period.
In addition to 11th plan period, integrated Transmission Planning of OPTCL network for 12th plan period has been prepared taking the system peak demand of 6363MW and additional generation of 4669MW as state share from 4nos. IPP taken in 11th plan period along with following 11nos. upcoming IPPs |
Sl. No. |
Name of IPPs |
Location of Project |
Installed Capcity |
Orissa StateShare(25%) |
1. |
NavaBharat Power Pvt.Ltd. |
Dhenkanal |
1050MW |
262.5MW |
2. |
Jindal India Thermal Power Ltd. |
Angul |
1200MW |
300MW |
3. |
Lanco Babandh Power Pvt. Ltd. |
Dhenkanal |
2640MW |
660MW |
4. |
Visa Power Ltd. |
Athagarh |
1000MW |
250MW |
5. |
Bhusan Energy (P) Ltd. |
Angul |
2000MW |
500MW |
6. |
CESC Ltd. |
Dhenkanal |
1000MW |
250MW |
7. |
Tata Power Company Ltd. |
Marthapur, Cuttack |
1000MW |
250MW |
8. |
Essar Power (Orissa) Ltd. |
Angul |
1000MW |
250MW |
9. |
Mahanadi Abban Power Co. |
Talcher, Angul |
1030MW |
257.5MW |
10. |
IND-BHARAT Energy Ltd. |
Jharsuguda |
700MW |
175MW |
11. |
Aarati Steels Ltd. |
Ghantikhal,Cuttack |
1000MW |
250MW |
13,620MW |
3405MW |
In addition to the projects proposed in 11th plan period the following infrastructure additions have been kept to meet the peak demand of 6363MW.
- 132/33kV Grid S/S at Olaver
- 132/33kV Grid S/S at Titlagarh
(iii) Reactive power compensation by installing Shunt Capacitor of 200MVAR at Duburi and Bhadrak region and 150MVAR at Berhampur region.
(iv) Associated Transmission Lines
132kV LILO Lines - 2nos.
Prioritization Study of Up-coming Projects under 11th Plan period
Subsequently, for the purpose of implementation of the proposed projects under Transmission Planning of 11th plan period, System Study work has been assigned to M/S PRDC Ltd. Bangalore to conduct the Prioritization study by phasing the total upcoming projects in coming 4years i.e. during 2009-10.2010-11,2011-12,2012-2013.The first report of prioritization from M/S PRDC is awaiting.
Proposal for Power Evacuation from Up-coming IPPs through 400KV Ring System
In the mean time 33nos. of IPPs have planned to install their power plant in Orissa including the above 15nos.. It is expected that at the end of 2020 the quantum of power generated by those IPPs. will be to the tune of 46,070 MW and Orissa will avail its state share about 25% .
OPTCL has also initiated necessary action for evacuation of state share power from up-coming IPPs through 5nos. STU Sub Pooling Stations at Jharsuguda,Bamur,Nisa/Boinda, Angul and Khuntuni, which will be connected to 3nos. CTU (765KV) pooling stations at Jharsuguda, Angul and Dhenkanal to be connected by PGCIL for inter-state long term open access.
The above Sub-Pooling Stations will be a part of the 400KV Ring system with 10nos. 400KV Grid Sub-Stations and 1482 KMs of 400KV lines.The proposal of 400Kv ring system has already been apprised to CEA and for the feasibility of the scheme the comprehensive study work has been assigned to M/S PRDC Ltd. It will facilitate the state to evacuate the surplus power and to utilize the required power effectively and transmit these power through available downstream network. |