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Basic Electrical Principles :
• How Electricity is made
• Resistance, Current, Voltage definitions
• Units
• Various Types of Loads
• Principles of Generation
• Principles of Motors
• Outline on Generation to Distribution System
• Lay-out of Distribution Sub-Station.
• Major Equipment like Bus-bars, Insulators, Isolators and Conductors.

Layout of Sub-Station
- Layout location of 220/132KV S/S.
- Major Equipment used together with specifications.

• Indoor and outdoor busbars – their capacity forces on them during short circuit – bus-bar mountings and their clearances.
• Strung and tubular type busbars, their current ratings supports, jumpers, clearance
• Bus fittings and connectors.

Isolators :
• Tilting and rotating isolators with & without arcing horns – earth blades – current ratings.
• Breaking of circuits by isolators.
• Interlocking with circuit Breaker.
• Maintenance of isolators.

Insulators : Types - their electrical & mechanical characteristics.

I.E. Rules

(Clearance and compliance of I.E. Rules, 1956)
• Minimum clearance for different voltage between phases and phase to ground.
• Indian Electricity Rules pertaining to Sub-Stations & Lines

Line Planning :
• Survey
• Selection Criteria for Line Construction
Angle of Deviation & Stays :
• Procedure for Measurement of Line Angles.
• Stay Types, Parts
• Location of Stays
• Practical demo on stay setting

Ropes, Knots & Splices :
• Types, Ropes, Knots & Splices
• Making Procedures
• Uses in Maintenance Procedure

Conductor, Jointing & Terminations

• Types & Specification of Conductor
• Types of Joints
• Types of Terminators
• Demo on Conductor Type, Joints & Terminations

Fire Fighting

• Causes of fire.
• Fire Extinction.
• Classification of Fires.
• Fire Fighting Equipment : their operation – maintenance & refilling.
• Fire prevention.

First Aid
• Places of Potential Hazards.
• Electric Shock Treatment.
• Artificial Respiration.
• Handling Emergency Conditions.
• Treatment of Wounds, Injuries & Burns

Transmission Line
• Transmission Lines Survey, Tower Spotting & Sag templates.
• Transmission Line Hardware and Line Materials.
• Tower foundations – Tower Erection – Line stringing.
• Maintenance Schedules & Procedures of Transmission Line.

Transformer Oil :
• Specification
• Handling, Sampling & Testing Methods with demo
• Signification of different Tests
• Maintenance of Transformer Oil
• O&M of Transformer Oil Filter Machines.

Circuit Breaker :
• Working Principle & Functions
• Types, e.g. Bulk Oil, MOCB, Air Blast, SF6 & Vaccum Breaker
• Parts of Breakers
• Maintenance Procedure & Schedules
• Trouble Shooting
• Demo on Breaker Maintenance

HT & LT Stringing :
• Different Configurations
• Procedures
• Sag Chart Description
• Demo in HT & LT Stringing with Measurement of Sag

• Types
• Principles
• Constructional details
• Different Parts and their Significance
• Erection Commission
• General Testing
• O&M of OLTC Maintenance with Trouble Shootings.

Relays & Protection System :
• CT & PTs :
-Types of CT & PTs’ – their working principles, ratings and accuracy.
-Functions of CT & PTs’
-Failures of CT & PTs – their causes.

• Protection of Transmission Line with Schemes.
• Protection of Transformer with Schemes.
• Local & Back-up Protection.
• New Generation Relays.

Earthing :
• Types
• Types Earth Electrodes, Earthing Maintenance
• Procedure of Earth Resistance Measurement
• Demo an Earth Resistance Measurement

Safety :
• Safety Philosophy.
• Safety Procedures.
• GRIDCO Safety Norms.
• Procedures for issuing L.C.P. and cancellation.
• Maintenance of Safety records.

Auxiliary Supply & Battery
• Importance of direct current supply and its function.
• Auxiliary D.C. Supply.
• Battery:- Current & Ampere Hours Ratings.
• Battery Charging Equipment – Checking of Specific Gravity of Electrolyte – Maintenance of batteries – Trouble Shootings.

Reactive Power Compensations
• Fundamentals of Reactive Power compensations.
• Sources of Reactive Power.
• Effect of Harmonics.
• Reactive Power Planning.
• Types of Compensation.
• O/M of Capacitors.

• Principle Of Operation
• Different Types
• Constructional Details
• Operation & Maintenance


• Installation
• Operating Principle
• Maintenance
• Meter Constant
• Types Of Tariff
• Service Connection
• Tampering & Wrong Connection

H.T. & L.T. POLE
• Dressing
• Erection

* Last Modified on 11th April '07
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