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OSEB unbundled by separation of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity.
Orissa Electricity Reform Act, 1995 enacted and came into force with effect from 01.04.1996.
Orissa Electricity Reform (transfer of Undertakings, Assets, Liabilities, Proceedings and Personnel) Scheme Rules, 1996 came into force with effect from 01.04.1996. GRIDCO vested with transmission and distribution activities and OHPC vested with hydro generation activities.
Under the Orissa Electricity Reform Act,1995 Orissa Electricity Regulatory Commission, a regulatory body was created which became functional from 01.08.1996.
Unbundling of transmission and distribution functions of GRIDCO by creation of four distribution companies namely CESCO, NESCO, WESCO and SOUTHCO.
Orissa Electricity Reform (Transfer of Assets, Liabilities, Proceedings and Personnel of GRIDCO to Distribution companies). Rules 1998 came into force with effect from 26.11.1998 and the distribution related assets, liabilities and personnel were vested with four distribution companies.
BSES took over the management control of three distribution companies namely NESCO, WESCO & SOUTHCO from 01.04.1999.
AES took over the management control of CESCO from 01.09.1999. By this , the privatization of distribution companies were completed.
Eight Tariff Orders were issued by Orissa Electricity Regulatory Commission after public hearing (FY 1998, FY1999, FY2000, FY2001, FY2002, FY2003, Fy2004 & Fy2005).
Orissa Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL) was incorporated on 29.03.2004 to carry on business of transmission, STU and SLDC functions of GRIDCO.
State Govt. issued the Orissa Electricity Reforms (Transfer of Transmission and Related Activities) Scheme, 2005 on 09.06.2005. The Scheme was made effective from 01.04.2005 for the purpose of transfer and vesting of the Transmission Undertaking of GRIDCO with OPTCL.
Last Modified on 2nd August '05 |
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