To effectively operate Transmission lines and Sub-Stations in
the State for evacuation of power from the state generating
stations feed power to state distribution companies, wheeling of
Power to other states, maintenance of the existing lines and
sub-stations for power transmission and to undertake power
system improvement by renovation, up-gradation and modernization
of the transmission network.
OPTCL being a State Transmission Utility Public Authority has
set the following objectives.
Undertake transmission and wheeling of electricity through
intra- State Transmission system
Discharge all functions of planning and coordination
relating to intra State, inter State transmission system
with Central Transmission Utility, State Govt. Generating
Companies, Regional Power Board, Authority, Licensees or
other person notified by State Govt. in this behalf.
development of an efficient and economical system of intra
state and inter State transmission lines for smooth flow of
electricity from generating station s to the load centers.
non-discriminatory open access to its transmission system
for use by any licensee or generating company or any
consumer as and when such open access is provided by the
State Commission on payment of transmission
charges/surcharge as may be specified by the State
Exercise supervision and control over the intra-state
transmission system, efficient operation and maintenance of
transmission lines and substations and operate State Load
Despatch Centers to ensure optimum scheduling and despatch
of electricity and to ensure integrated operation of power
systems in the State.
power at the earliest possible time through deployment of
emergency Restoration system in the event of any Natural
Disasters like super cyclone, flood etc.