Sealed Tenders in duplicate
separately enveloped for Tech-Commercial Bid and Price Bid are
invited from reputed firms and agencies for collection of data
on weekly basis from Special Energy Meters installed in the
following Grid Sub-stations and Power Stations of Orissa and
off-loading the same in a Computer and handing over the same
data to ERLDC/ GRIDCO/ SLDC through a floppy or e-mail or both.
1. Upper Indravati Power Station
2. Jayanagar Grid Sub-stations.
3. Budhipadar Grid Sub-station
4. Tarkera Grid Sub-station
5. Rengali Power Station
6. Meramundali Grid Sub-station
7. Talcher Thermal Power Station
8. Joda Grid Sub-station
9. Rengali Switchyard
10. Kuchei(Kalabadia) Grid Sub-station
The Tender papers can be purchased from the office of Sr. GM(CPC),
OPTCL, Bhubaneswar on any working day from 10A.M to 1 P.M with
cash payment of Rs. 3000/- or through registered post on
submission of Demand Draft of Rs. 3100/- drawn in favour
DDO,OPTCL Ltd, Janpath , Bhubaneswar from dt.25. 7.2007 to dt.
The Tenders will be received up to 1 P.M. of dt 24.8.2007 in the
office of the undersigned and Techno-commercial Bid will be
opened at 4 PM on the same date in the presence of the bidders
or their representatives. The E.M. D. of Rs 10,000/- should be
submitted along with the Techno- Commercial bid failing which
their offer will be out-right rejected. The authority reserves
the right to accept or reject any or all tender without
assigning any reason thereof .
The bidders who will be qualified on Techno-commercial bids
shall be intimated the date of opening of Price Bid later on.