Chief General Manager (I.T) OPTCL, Bhubaneswar on behalf of Orissa Power Transmission Corporation Ltd., invites sealed tenders from interested bidders for development and maintenance of GRIDCO/ OPTCL/ SLDC Websites conforming to Terms & Conditions stated in our website stated below. The interested bidders shall submit their offers in a sealed envelop duly superscribed as “Tender for development of GRIDCO/OPTCL/SLDC Websites due on “15.04.2006.”
The interested bidders may visit our website www.optcl.co.in to download the scope of work with and terms and conditions in detail. They shall submit tender paper cost amounting to Rs.1500/- along with their tender either in shape of cash deposited with DDO, Headqrs. Office at OPTCL cash counter or in shape of D.D. issued by any nationalized Bank in favour of the DDO, Headqrs. Office, OPTCL, Bhubaneswar.The tenderer shall enclose a copy of the money receipt if the Tender paper cost is paid by cash. Submission of Tender paper cost is mandatory, failing which, the tender shall not be considered.