Corrigendum Notice
for ERP Implementation in OPTCL/GRIDCO.
OPTCL (a Govt. of Orissa undertaking), a Power Transmission
utility in the state of Orissa has earlier invited
Techno-Commercial Bids due on 30th September 2008, for
implementation of a project(ERP) to provide an integrated
software system to support all operations of the corporation
including its sister concern GRIDCO Ltd.
All prospective bidders are hereby
informed that the date of selling, submission and opening for
Techno-commercial Bids fro ERP project for OPTCL/GRIDCO stands
postponed to 20-10-2008 at 11:00 Hrs. at the same venue, in
place of 30-09-2008 extended earlier.
The Queries raised by prospective
bidders shall be replied in due course of time.
Chief General Manager(IT)